(de-news.net) – At the Employers’ Day, Chancellor Scholz has called for a joint effort to stimulate the economy in Germany. Despite the recession, Germany is a strong country, and the situation can be improved by reducing bureaucracy and improving the conditions for the financial sector. For example, Scholz wants to suspend the supply chain law this year, which entails too much bureaucracy. Scholz also mentioned the Federal Government’s growth initiative and the industry summit in October, to which company representatives of the company world and associations are invited and whose goal is to reach a consensus.

Federal Economics Minister Habeck sees major challenges and said that although it is not the Federal Government’s intention to create a fully-fledged economic miracle, the framework and structural conditions must change in view of the global competition so that the economy can function well. Habeck wants to strengthen the economy with a ‘Germany Fund’ with a volume of at least a nine-digit figure. Startups, small and medium-sized companies should benefit from this project, alongside corporations, and the infrastructure should be one of the objects to be promoted. “I want craft businesses, medium-sized companies and large companies to invest here in Germany,” demanded Habeck. “We now need full strength for the business location.” It is important to make the renewal of Germany’s economy climate-neutral.

Federal Finance Minister Lindner, Chairman of the FDP, has meanwhile spoken out in favor of ambitious reforms. The Federal Government has a duty to do this, he pointed out.

The President of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA), Dulger, meanwhile called for real progress against bureaucracy as well as a limitation of social security contributions. Besides, education must be reformed, now that the age of artificial intelligence has dawned. BDA General Manager Kampeter called for politics to become more competitive, for example by reducing high non-wage labor costs. Growth requires political courage, according to Kampeter.

Before the Employers’ Day, Federal Labor Minister Heil had emphasized that Germany is one of the strongest economies in the world. However, it is necessary to invest in the future. Above all, energy must remain affordable, which requires industrial electricity prices which are competitive. Heil also sees securing jobs and skilled workers as important.

Thorsten Koch

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